New Tools for Computer Science

So, as an assignment for my Computer Science course, Although it was a bit overwhelming, I signed up for three different websites that each have several different uses.

Netvibes- A personalized dashboard publishing platform for the Web composed of widgets that are pulled from a widget list open to third party developers. This could be useful to me if I wanted to start a business because it allows me to keep track of other companies, clients, and competitors. The downside is that the user interface is a bit difficult to navigate.

TweetDeck- A social media dashboard application for management of Twitter accounts. This is more of a social tool that can help you keep track of your Twitter. TweetDeck displays your dashboard, mentions, favorites, hash tags, and search results and more. This site’s UI is a bit easier to navigate, allowing the users to organize columns of information in an easy and efficient manner.

HootSuite- A social media management system for brand management and is a bit of a combination of Netvibes and TweetDeck. This site combines business brand management and following social media allowing you to add different social media websites you are using. Thankfully, the UI for this website was probably the easiest to use.

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